4 Things to Consider When Planning a Kitchen Reno

August 16

A kitchen reno is always a worthy project to take on since it improves one of the most used areas of the home while increasing its value. But it’s not a simple task, and it does require the right expertise and proper planning before jumping into it. Here, we’ve compiled a few things to consider when planning a new kitchen reno so you can avoid any overwhelming hiccups with your design and budget along the way.

Plan a Layout That’s Practical for You

It’s easy to flip through an interior design magazine and dream about having some of those chic, luxury kitchen designs. But they’re not always practical. It’s important to plan a layout that will work best for your needs and lifestyle. Think about the flow, function and amount of space that you’ll need to move around in comfortably when you’re prepping dinner or entertaining guests.

Determine Your Style Preference

There are many different kitchen styles that you can choose from these days, whether it’s modern and contemporary, more traditional, or even farmhouse vintage. So when you’re browsing through those magazines, take note of the styles that you enjoy and can envision yourself in for the next five-ten years, at least.

Determine Your Budget

Once you have an idea of the type of layout and design that you’re aiming for, the next thing to consider when planning a new kitchen reno is your budget. It can be very easy to get carried away with a kitchen project, especially once you start shopping around for materials. So always set a comprehensive budget that includes a breakdown of some of the essentials like appliances, materials, fixtures and faucets.

Go for Energy-Efficient Appliances

If your appliances are in need of an upgrade, it’s worth it to leave a little more of your budget aside for sound quality, energy-efficient appliances. Items like your fridge, dishwasher, and microwave use up a lot of energy, which will keep your utility bills high. But by switching to Energy Star appliances, you can keep your kitchen looking aesthetically attractive while reducing your energy usage and saving money.

A kitchen reno can be a serious investment, so of course, you want it to turn out just as you envisioned. That’s why you should consider these things before getting started. And when you’re ready to get going, give us a call at Granstone. We’ll take care of your entire kitchen project and help you from the design phase to completion. Contact us today.

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